spend a lot of money

Measuring your wallpaper, so it is a few inches of the actual size of the baffle and cut. Per the manufacturer's instructions in the wall of the application file. If you file a pattern, to ensure that in the corner or cutting edge, you can not use continuous reel pattern match. The boundary of the counter on the bottom of your ass. If you have any windows or lay-up in your area, you will want to overlap them any paper. Make sure you smooth out the paper with a wet sponge or wallpaper brush to remove any air bubbles and wrinkles. Border, take a wet sponge and smooth edges - the sponge paper on the wall, the edges do not buckle up. Please ensure that there is enough edge attached to them, so they do not peel, it is dry. Not apply a simple the wallpaper border baffle, and spend a lot of money, you can add some splash to your kitchen. You can get a good ending Recycle Bin, your wallpaper store or home improvement center boundary bargain, but to ensure that they have enough border to go around the area covered, because these bargains usually be closed out, you may unable to obtain more! To prepare the wallpaper border wall area, thoroughly clean the walls first. You can wash them clean with soap and water, but make sure you get off any sticky or greasy. . If you have any big hole in the plaster, you may want to repair, but the small hole determines the border will cover up good! Remove the mulch in the light switch or electrical outlet. Most wallpaper paste, apply borders easily. Tailgate area is usually very small, so the project can do a afternnon. Choose your border, think about the overall theme or color scheme of your kitchen. Supplement, it's something you want to pick, of course, pick a washable, so you can easily delete all the "splash" occurs in a normal kitchen activities.